Library Services

Library is committed to providing widest possible access to information and this commitment is reflected in the range of services provided by it. The Library spares no efforts to fulfill its mission by selecting, acquiring, organizing, reserving, maintaining, and providing access to a collection of materials and electronic resources that address the needs of the academic community :-

  • Reprography Service:
    • The photocopy service is available in the library keeping in mind the copyright rules in this regard. The borrowers can take photocopy service of books, Magazines and periodicals. However, outside documents will not be copied from the library. A student can photocopy maximum 20 pages of a book @Rs. 1/- per page .
  • Internet & Wi-Fi Service:
    • Library has Broadband connection for accessing Internet. Faculties can browse Internet and Wi-Fi Services from library portals, laptops and mobile devices.
  • OPAC Service (in Campus):
    • The users can search the documents and find pertinent location of the documents in library with the help of OPAC Module of Library Software.
  • Reference Service:
    • Reference enquiries are answered and user help are provided through literature search and users are also assisted to search information through Internet.
  • Reading Room:
    • The library has reading room facility for the students and the staff members. They can read their persons books in Room No. 26. The reading room remains open from 9.00 AM to 4.00 P.M.
  • Online E-Resources:
    • Library is having access to large number of electronic journals, e-books, databases through INFLIBNET NLIST e-journal consortium. It is funded by UGC, as a college component under UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium. Faculties can access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher’s website through their unique user name and password.
  • Printing Service:
    • The Library has one Canon Copier-Scanner-Printer machine and computers with HP1020 Printers/Samsung Printer installed for the printing service.
  • CAS:
    • Current Awareness Service (CAS) keeps the members of the Library well-informed and up-to-date in recently published literature in their fields of specialization. The Library use ‘Notice Board’ and ‘BLOG’ for this purpose. In notice board, library displays the list of newly acquired books.